There are thousands of charitable non-profit organizations that are out helping the needy and less fortunate in the world. With scattered resources and undeveloped infrastructure, coupled with bureaucracy, hunger, famine and wars, most nations are not able to protect the rights of each and every citizen leaving some to suffer without a way out. These non-profit organizations are right at the thick of it trying to provide at least the basic rights for these people. But that is a venture that requires large amounts of resources and funding. These non-profit organizations therefore rely on donor funding and sponsors.
You may have wanted to donate money a billion times before but you couldn’t find the proper means to do that or felt that your donation would not be enough. Thanks to Groth and Jennison, however, now you have the means to donate to charity and help someone somewhere get access to aid. How? These two brilliant minds came up with a way to browse and save the world at the time.
The internet is a large resource and to access it, one needs to have a browser. Groth and Jennison came up with a web app called Tab For A Cause that utilizes the browser to make it a platform for donating to charity. Each time you open a new tab, the web app fills the blank tab with advertisements and blogs. The companies advertising on the tab pay your for viewing the ad or blog, you do not even have to click on it or read its contents. The Tab For A Cause team then donates a fraction of cent for each view.
Tab For A Cause targets various world issues such as children, peace, education, human rights, water and the environment. The donations are given to Conservation International, Human Rights Watch, Water.org, International Peace Institute, Save The Children, Room To Read and Educat. Your money can be divided equally amongst the organizations or you can customize it so that it goes to one charity or one charity receives more than the others, all according to your preference.
Download the app extension from the Tab For A Cause website and the next time you open 1, 2 or even more tabs on your Chrome or Firefox browser, you will be saving a child somewhere, giving someone access to peace, helping bring proper sanitation and water to another and many more. Help the world as you do your browsing on the internet all with convenience, ease and at at your own time and comfort.
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