
Tthe embrace of a big, warm, cozy hug – nothing says it quite like one! As a globally recognized symbol of positivity among two or more people, a hug is a the ultimate display of caring, affection and compassion; and very few need it more than the disadvantaged children of Colombia. While we can’t all fly off to Colombia tomorrow to do so, we can express this compassion and help make a difference by doing our part from right where we are.

Hugs For Change, the brainchild of Natalia Dewiyani, is aimed to do just that. Their goal with the Cuddles for Colombia FUN’d raising Gala is to raise funds for the underprivileged children in the slums of Colombia, to help support their education and more through Fundacion Mariposas Amarillas  (The Yellow Butterfly Foundation). Oscar Cortes, the founder of this small center that assists and educates children in slum neighborhoods, knows this struggle all too well. Having been homeless as a child himself, he knows education and guidance are often some of the deciding factors that allow these children to break out of the cycle of violence, drugs and crime.

The Cuddles for Colombia fundraiser has been designed and engineered to be an vibrant gala of music, performances, dancing, food, and of course – hugs. From award winning artists such as Dolly Diamond, to the Australian Circus King Roy Maloy; coupled with photo booths and salsa dancing, this is sure to be an evening you do not want to miss.

Natalia Dewiyani, the brainchild of Hugs for Change, and a happiness and life coach , is a true hug-a-holic. She sees and harnesses the incredible value of both human touch, and community connection, to help improve not just one’s personal well being, but the state of communities as a whole. Through her broader, personal fundraising campaign, Nat aims to raise a million dollars through a million hugs in her lifetime, to go towards various great causes and charities – this being one of them.

So come support the Hugs for Change team in their efforts towards a better, kinder, fairer world; one cause at a time, one hug at a time.

Tickets include canapés and bubbly on arrival:


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