By Pyro
The whole notion of putting others over oneself – inspiring stuff right?
Be it helping someone up if they have fallen or helping someone find something they’ve lost – it may often seem rather minor or insignificant. But it adds up. The problem is that we as a society have somehow lost our drive to be less self-centered and taking a minute to help out other human beings. The main question it comes down to is – why should we prioritize others?
Thinking about others and putting them before you can require relatively little effort. If you were to think about it, if our opinions and interests were the only ones that mattered, everyday life would be riddled with conflict. People would rarely agree things and little would get accomplished. Putting someone and their ideas or interests first doesn’t have to be a constant arduous activity. Putting others before you sets a good example for the rest to follow, and can help make a small difference in someone’s life.
Let me give you a small example of how you can go out and put someone else before your own self. Lets ponder for a bit. Imagine that you are out and about with your best buddies, ready to have a great night out. En route to insert-destination, you pass someone who’s struggling to make it down a flight of stairs. The two course of actions you can pursue are as follows. One – you turn a blind eye to it and continue along with your friends, convincing yourself that they can work it out themselves, or that someone else will help. Another option is to excuse yourself from your friends briefly and ask that person if they need a hand getting down the stairs (or better still, assist them without the invitation).
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Which option would you go for? Putting that person first should not only make you feel good, it makes that person in need feel cared for. Plus just maybe, they may pass on the kind gesture to the next person in need. Your friends will certainly take notice, and hopefully, your act will inspire them as well. Perhaps the next time that they see someone in need, they’ll put aside their priorities du jour for a moment and take the time to offer assistance.
You may be wondering as to the purpose of this article. The main point is to take a moment to reflect and ponder. If you were in a situation where you were in need of assistance (say you failed to come up with ideas for a big project – you may want assistance from your colleagues etc.). Pay it forward. Take the time and put aside those priorities and allow yourself, for those few minutes, to put yourself in second place and put that stranger, co-worker, or family member first.
Take the challenge to go out and find someone that needs to be put first, and help them out. I bet you that you will it be appreciated, and not only will you feel great yourself, but you may be the catalyst of a greater change.
Good luck!
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