Let’s be the generation to stand up for the 27 million men, women and children trapped in slavery around the world today. In brothels. In factories. In mines. On street corners. In homes. In the shadows, hidden. Yet out in broad daylight, in plain sight here in America. Stand with us. Raise your voice. Use your influence.Join the fight for FREEDOM.
Will you stand by or will you stand up? Will you join the fight for FREEDOM? Stay connected with the amazing people at enditmovement.com and the efforts by signing up here-
Join the fight for FREEDOM!Then, get directly connected with the Coalition Partners to learn more about how you can be directly involved in the FIGHT FOR FREEDOM!
Awareness must lead to ACTION. Now that you know, learn more about what our Coalition Partners are doing to SHINE A LIGHT ON SLAVERY. Join them. GET IN THE RING!
Fight for FREEDOM!
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